1. What is the pricing for each session?
Each Fingerprint Inc. session is $35 per hour, with each session lasting 1 hour.
2. Do you only offer English and literacy?
Our main focus is English and literacy. However, we are slowly bringing in mentorship for mathematics.
3. When will introductions be made between mentee and mentor?
The mentee and mentor will be introduced during their first session, once it has been scheduled.
4. Does my child need to have my book right away?
No, they can choose a book later in the semester.
5. What is needed for my child’s session?
Your child needs a quiet and comfortable space that is free of distractions for their session. They will also need a communication device, such as a laptop or computer.
6. How can I support my child as a parent?
Stay in touch with your child's Fingerprint mentor to keep up-to-date with their progress during sessions.
7. Do mentors go through a screening process?
All mentors must complete a VSC (Vulnerable Sectors Check).
8. How do I sign up as a mentor?
Contact us via email (hello@fingerprintsinc.ca) or through our Instagram account (@fingerprints.intouch).